Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Momma’s little baby loves a dumplin’,
dumplin’, momma’s little baby loves
some dumplin’ bread. There’s just
something about stuffed dough that
cultures all over the world felt
compelled to develop such their own
version of these culinary treasure
chests. For the money though, no
place concocted these pockets quite
like in Asia where their development
reached the sublime. The pouches
were developed in soups, housing
soups, steamed, fried, seared,
containing pork, seafood, chicken,
veggies, the varieties seemingly
endless. At Oodles Noodle &
Dumpling Bar, several of these
variations are featured to mouth
watering success. The only complaint
would be the choices don’t equal the
expectations of a “dumpling bar” and
their pesky use of Styrofoam.
Otherwise, momma’s little baby
enjoyed oodles of flavor.

Oodles Noodle & Dumpling Bar
765 Neil Ave
Columbus, Oh 43215
443 East Main Street
Columbus, Oh 43215

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