Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Teeth

During the dog days of summer, there
may not be a better way to while away
the afternoon with a several of beers.
However, the last thing you want at the
end of one of those benders is to wake
up with someone with sum ‘er teeth
here and sum ‘er teeth there.

Columbus Brewing Company has come
up with the perfect concoction to help
you avoid such a pratfall. Their
seasonal brew, Summer Teeth, is a
wonderfully refreshing blond ale with
just enough bite to help you space out
your fermented refreshment.

Available while the weather is warm,
CBC’s Summer Teeth will help you
obey a good rule of thumb; gaps
between beers will help you avoid gaps
between the teeth of the opposite sex
made difficult to spot through a thick
set of beer goggles.

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