Monday, June 15, 2009

Surly Girl

Even Surly Girls need comfort food. Of course, when you are surly you also make things just a little bit uncomfortable for everyone else. So it stands to reason that at Surly Girl Saloon, meatloaf, the ultimate comfort food, dispenses with the pleasantries and puts your taste buds on edge from opening bite to the last extinguishing sip of beer.

The Cajun Meatloaf is a slightly smoky, very spicy slice of loaf accompanied by an equally fiery portion of poblano mashed potatoes and corn bread stuffing, all smothered in gravy. The meal is a nostalgic trip back to a comforting dinner table with loved ones doing their best to make you uncomfortable. You may want the experience to end, but you will crave those moments of pain the instant you exit the front door.

Surly Girl Saloon
1126 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215

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